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Week 54 - Mooshie Mooshie

KONNICHIWAAAA! Hello from the land of 200% humidity and the best place to eat rice :)) WHATS UP. seriously this week was a roller coaster to say the least.

You're probably wondering what "mooshie mooshie" means...

Well, here in Japan when you talk on the phone...instead of answering and saying 'hello'... you say 'mooshie mooshie'. AND I LOVE IT. I am goin to be saying that my whole life. :)


So today we go get groceries right? And we are biking along back to the apartment with bags of groceries on our bike handlebars....(don't try at home) and all of a sudden I hear my companion behind me yelling, "EMERGENCY!!!" and I look back and milk is just pouring out of her plastic bag. Hahahahah I was dying. You just see this sister missionary (Van Pelt) frantically trying to save this milk carton on the side of the road...yelling 'emergency' over and over...😂 it was so funny!!


I had to go to the doctor again this week haha. Ikeda Shimai picked us up and while I was in the car trying not to cry because of the pain and the loneliness I felt...I look down and there was a penny on my lap. :')

{Before my aunt passed away from cancer a few years ago, she said that when she was with us, she would let us know by sending us pennies from Heaven.}

I saw that penny and just started crying because I knew and felt that I was cared about. And, that I wasn't alone. I know that angels are real 💕


Shunlin legit. My homie for life. My first time meeting him, he had no interest in the gospel. none. zero. (I cried on his porch and reminds me of Noah, remember?)

This week we felt impressed to go visit him and we didn't know exactly what to do other than say 'hey what up Shunlin'...right? while talking to him, the Spirit told me to sing to him. (I DON'T SING HAHA) but I was willing to do anything to help someone feel the thats what I did. and guess what....HE STARTED SINGING TOO. We sang "I Am A Child of God" together and it was the most precious moment of my whole life. The Spirit was so strong and I just cried aha. (I'm like a way emotional person, what the..) YOU GUYS, HIS HEART IS SOFTENING. I testified of that special truth that we really are children of God. and that he loves us. and he said, "I know." *and smiles*

I am way bummed though because that was my last time seeing Shunlin 'til I finish my mission. He went back to China, and comes back to Tsukuba next transfer. 😢 and I won't be in Tsukuba then. So mom and dad, get ready to meet my bff Shunlin in January.


You would think that Japan would have a million of places to go fishing...(it probably does) But we found the #1 place to go!

We found this man who dug a bunch of holes in his back yard...filled them with water, tossed a few fishes in there...gave us fishing poles (aka sticks w/string) and decided yep, "this is the place!" And I caught a fish within the first few seconds!! I was so impressed. The fish I caught actually scared me a ton and I accidentally chucked it across his dirt lawn...but no worries, it was alive. Probably my favorite pday activity 😂🎣


In one of my emails about a million years ago, I told you about the Hiruta family. They were the first friends I made here in Tsukuba, and invited us to their home for New Years. The mom discovered that she has cancer a while ago, and yesterday we felt impressed to visit them. Long story short, as we were talking to her husband at the door...he told us more about her condition and that she will start chemo this week. And that she is probably not going to survive the treatment. He said, "I am so scared of being alone." And that just killed me. I cried for about 20 minutes at their door, as we were talking about the Plan of Salvation.

EVERYONE. I KNOW without a doubt in my heart and soul that because of the perfect love God has for each of us, he created a plan..a perfect plan to help us grow and to help us return back to him. In order for us to return back to Heavenly Father, a Savior was necessary. Jesus Christ died for you and for me so that he could understand. (Alma 7) so he could understand how to help us when we do feel alone. I know that God does not leave us comfortless. Especially when we need him the most. I know that because of Jesus Christ, we can be sealed to our families for time and all eternity. This is what gives us hope. This is what helps me keep going. this is something that everybody needs. This family means so much to me. Please keep them in your prayers.

I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have that I can be together with my family forever❤️

I love you all soooo much :)

Sister Phelps

curry dates with my favs

Pic from the MTC, but this week I went on exchanges with Shim Shimai and loved every moment

my bud Shunlin

This lady knows how to give a quality Skype call

Pics from Tsukuba San (sorry a few weeks late!)

exchanges in Matsuso. We had a lesson with Mami ちゃん and set a baptismal date😊🌻

more from Tsukuba San

our fishing holes

Teachin' Eng

our investigator and bfff MINAMI

Zone Conference

Nimami ❤️

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Mailing address (packages) :

Sister Maddison Emilie Phelps

Japan, Tokyo Mission

4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 




4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo



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