Hey everyone! I just wanted to say WHATS UP?! 😊 This week was great. seriously, so many amazing things happened :) and I'm so excited to tell you about it!! so first off....
I'm not going to miss these. haha Some missionaries think its exciting...(sometimes it is)...but it's the fastest way to get anxiety 😂 But anyway,
so we already knew that a new sister was going to be coming to the area...so we were already expecting a change. BUT THIS CHANGE BLEW MY SOCKS OFF. Do you all remember Sister Fukuda?? She was my first Japanese companion when I first transferred to Tsukuba?? I was only with her one transfer because I thought I was going to die? lol
ya. SHE IS COMING BACK TO TSUKUBA TO BE WITH SISTER VAN PELT. Yeah, we both died. So there are some spicy news for ya'll.
This week, my companion and I were going so hard. It was my last week..and I was like, "ok........*hair whip*......let's do this."
But get this..... people stopped us. YA YOU HEARD ME. PEOPLE STOPPED US ON THE STREET. I don't know if any of you are aware of missionary work in Japan. But that never happens. People stopped us and asked us why we looked different from others! They gave us their numbers and asked us to teach them!
BUT GET THIS....biggest miracle of my whole life. 👇
...BETTY LEE...(she is Chinese)
In one day we found her... taught her... and by the end of the lesson she said, "when can I be baptized?"
UHHHH HELLO WORLD I DIED. SERIOUSLY. WE FOUND, TAUGHT, AND MADE A BAPTISMAL DATE WITH SOMEONE IN ONE DAY. Can I just say...God is so cool. And being apart of his work is SO COOL. ❤️ Her faith is also so inspiring.
I'm grateful Heavenly Father let me be apart of that experience for her :)
So this is my last week in the mission field. And to say that I have felt so much love and support from friends and family...doesn't even describe the depths of my feelings. I truly lucked out with the best people in my life💕
But to be honest with you guys, I feel like I am finishing my mission as if I had finished the whole 18 months. I think that is a huge tender mercy from Heavenly Father because I truly feel like I did everything. I gave my whole heart and soul to my mission. I sacrificed everything.
Although I am coming home a few months earlier than I expected because of my health problems...I want to make 1 thing clear..
I am not sorry. I do not feel bad, guilty, discouraged, or embarrassed about my situation.
Yeah, following the council of my Mission President was probably the hardest decision of my life. And leaving the people who have become family to me, and saying 'see ya later' my best friends that I love with my whole heart...was so hard... but please do not be sorry for me. Because I am not sorry for anything.
I served a mission! And like other missionaries have experienced... it wasn't easy. But I think that was the point. Because if it was easy....I wouldn't have been able to grow as much as I did.
I hoped that they I would be called on a mission. They did, and it changed me forever. It changed everything. and I will be forever grateful for the change, and the experiences I have had over the past 14 months. I have been able to truly experience being on the Lord's errand as a missionary...but now I will be able to take what I've learned and be on his errand as a member...in SLC, UT. 🇱🇷
I truly believe and have felt for myself...that when you do your absolute best...and do your part, the Lord will add his power to your efforts. The gospel is true you guys. ❤️ God is real, and He is good to us.
I love you all. I'll see you soon ʕ•ٹ•ʔ
Sister Maddison Phelps
Ashton Durrant