WHATS UP my faves!! This week was just so much fun. I can't even put it into words how much I just love being a missionary every single day!! Truly it something that is changing my life!!!
One thing that people told me a lot before my mission was, "the most important thing you can do on your mission is to love the people."
AND YOU WERE ALL JUST SO RIGHT. I don't think you understand when I say...THESE PEOPLE JUST HAVE MY HEART. Not a day goes by when I just think about how lucky I am to be in the Japan, Tokyo mission....and just how much these people mean to me.
I really am serious when I say 'I don't want to come home.' ahah
I love being a missionary. I LOVE Japanese people. i love the language. i love the culture. I LOVE JAPAN.
Holy heck. To say that I LOVE MY COMPANION doesn't even describe how much I love my companion. Sister Mitchell is my best friend. Every single night we go to bed just crying because of how much we laugh!!!! (No joke, it has happened every night so far lol). She is seriously THE BEST. Every day is seriously just so much fun!!!!
Every single day she has said something that just kills me.
For example:
*Puts hand warmers in her coat pocket*
*Drops one on the ground*
"Oh, I dropped my hot cake!"
2. *this one is just flattering*
The other night we were on a bus, and it was just silent. And she turns around and says, "Ya know, when I get back from my mission...I wanna find and marry a guy who is just like you!"
We were going to a members apartment last night. Yuka and I get in the elevator first, and then Sister Mitchell gets in and the weight alarm started going off! And we were like so confused and Sister Mitchell was like, "Thats it. My bag is too heavy." hahah
*she gets off*
*gets back on and the alarm goes off*
*I get off and say, "yeah.. I knew I should have gone to the bathroom before this."
"The devil seeing lady?!" - Sister Mitchell
-this story is way too long lol, but it was hilarious I swear-
Yeah, I just love Sister Mitchell.
Some other just random things about her:
-She is 23 years old
-She has started and sustained like 5 businesses
-She has THE BEST STYLE ever
-she used to have dreads and white hair. (both at seperate times)
-she is a total hipster
-she got a degree in Design and Advertising. She designed things for M&M and Burger King...and a few other places.
Just all around cool person. she is that one person that everyone just wants to be her friend because of how cool she is.
She is such a joy to be around and she has taught me so much about how missionary work should be fun!! She is the most creative missionary I have ever met. So this transfer is going to be full of miracles! :)
Speaking of Miracles....this is a huge one.
I am speaking Japanese.
I am understanding people.
by all means...I am not perfect at it...But there have been so many moments this week that I just would speak. And every time I would just speak Japanese....I wasn't focused on myself. I was 100% focused on them and their needs. AND IT JUST CAME.
That is a huge miracle!! Thank you for all of the prayers on my behalf. The lord has really been blessing me here.
I have learned that there isn't just one way to do missionary work. With Sister Mitchell coming to Tsukuba...she has helped me use and consecrate my talents for the work here in Tsukuba!!
-I love everything and anything to do with cameras.
She has a lot of the same talents as I do, and so together we are making videos and advertising for mission school!! And, ultimately will be released to all of the Japan missions!!!! With Sister Mitchell coming to Tsukuba...it's a huge deal because President Nagano sent her here to build mission school. (because we have one of the biggest universities in all of Japan in our area). And he said that the two of us (because of our individual talents and who we are) we could do it successfully. We started a campaign for the mission about the 2nd day she was here. So she is really helping me and teaching me how to use my talents for missionary work! :) WHICH IS AWESOME!!! And I think that's why I am having so much fun with missionary work!! I am using what God blessed me with already...to bless other people! So cool how the Lord works :)
I love you all so much!!!!!!
Have the best week ever!!!!
Sister Phelps
Saying goodbye to Sister Haroldsen and waiting for Sister Mitchell haha

Yoshida fam+ Yuka+ Sister Mitchell!!!

Suda 姉妹 and me. She is literally my Japanese twin. But I am just a giant compared to her. (when I stand next to her...her head goes to the middle of my tummy) hahahah

suda 姉妹 lol

shabushabu with Hiruta 姉妹, Misaki 姉妹, and sachiko suda!!

Saying goodbye to Sister Haroldsen and waiting for Sister Mitchell haha

Eikaiwa!! We made our own version of 'Apples to Apples' to teach them grammar!