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Week 28 - Hey Fam:)

WHATTUP my fellow family members!! This week was literally the bomb. We had a lot of appointments fall through, and had zero success since transfers....but ya know, I still love what I'm doing! Because I know who I am representing on the tight streets of Japan. And I know that I am doing what I'm suppose to! Thats a good feeling! :)

*drumroll pls*


To say that I love my new companion is definitely an understatement. I am so grateful that the Lord put us together, because I have learned so much from her already! She is transfer 5, and from Heber, UT!! And believe it or not, I am her first American companion! So not only is she so ped in Japanese, but we both understand each other!! (humor, personality...everything!) It is so great! We have gotten along really well so far! It is so fun to teach with her because she is so easy to be united with her. I feel like from day 1, our brains were already thinking alike! I am so excited for the miracles we will see this transfer!! :)


So we had this "oh flip, thisisnotgood" moment this week. We walk into our apartment after a long day of finding in the rain/snow.. (OH MY GOODNESS, YA IT SNOWED THIS WEEK. I WAS LITERALLY RUNNING AROUND MY APARTMENT CRYING TEARS OF JOY) anyway, back to the we walk into our apartment and the fire alarm just went off. haha we were both so confused. haha we checked the monitor and comes to find was the carbon monoxide alarm. We both looked at each other....and we were like..."oh flip... we gonna die." We had to call the fire department and literally that was the biggest struggle. We had no idea what they were even talking about. We called our bishops wife and we asked her to translate for us...and she said, "So what he is saying is....the batteries were just dead. You just need to change the batteries."

LOL @ us


-Yuka is still so strong with her baptismal date!! She is so excited to be baptized that she made a Facebook page and is adding everyone she knows!! Isn't that amazing? We have been in contact with her everyday, and every time I talk to her...or about heart just overflows with love for her. and I just cry haha. I don't think I could ever explain what that feeling is like, unless you have experienced it too. I have never felt so much love for anyone is my whole life!! It is BY FAR the most amazing feeling I have ever had. I am so grateful that the Lord has put Yuka (and the other people I have met, and taught) in my life. They have truly changed me.

If I feel that way about one of my best friends...I can't even imagine how the Savior feels about us. As his brothers and sisters.

-Charlie: haha she came to church and she slept the whole time during sacrament meeting. She has been studying so much for all of her finals this week. she hasn't gotten any sleep! I'm really grateful she at least was physically there at church! haha Still love her to death! :)

-- "The most satisfying experience I have is to see what this gospel does for people. It gives them a new outlook on life. It gives them a perspective that they have never felt before. It raises their sights to things noble and divine. Something happens to them that is miraculous to behold. They look to Christ and come alive."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I know with every fiber of my body that he is the Son of God. That the love he has for us is infinite. He has been my support, he has led me, he has comforted me, he has loved me...he has shaped me. There is a quote I want to share. This had a huge impact on me this week.

"Give me all. I don't want so much of your time, so much of your talents and money, and so much of your work: I want You. All of you. I have not come to torment or frustrate the natural man. but to kill it. No half-measures will do. I don't want to only prune a branch here and another there; rather, I want the whole tree out. Hand it all over to me, the whole outfit, all of your desires, all of your wants and wishes and dreams. Turn them all over to me, give yourself to me and I will make of you a new self in my image. Give me yourself and in exchange I will give you Myself. My will, shall become your will. My heart, shall become your heart."

-C.S. Lewis

If we give him our will, (which is the only thing that is rightfully ours), if we give him our hearts... in exchange, he will give himself to us. His image and his character will engraved in us. in our souls. He will be apart of us. That is our ultimate goal, right? "To be perfect, even as he is perfect." So we can one day return to the presence of our father...and STAY there.

I love you all so much!! I am grateful for all the prayers, love, and comfort! Have a great week!!!!! :)


Sister Phelps


-Sister Haroldsen!!!!!


Yuka's last time with Sister Fukuda



proof that I am actually cooking eatable food (other than cereal) on my mission.

last shuwa (Japanese sign lang class) before transfers.

The Nakamura's and Naito Kyodai. Goodbye lunch before transfer day.

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Mailing address (packages) :

Sister Maddison Emilie Phelps

Japan, Tokyo Mission

4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 




4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo



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