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Week 25 - Heated Toilets

Happy New year!! {2017 WHAT} With the new year already here...I wanted to voice something I am very grateful for.

Heated Toilets.

Yep. There are heated toilets here in Japan. If thats not a reason for my parents to pick me up after my mission...I don't know what is.

There have been many days where we have been riding our frozen buns on bikes for hours in the freezing humidity..and then you walk into a cold bathroom and sit on a really warm toilet seat. its really nice :) literally the life.

Another thing I am so so grateful for, is my mission president's wife. I received a package from her this last week and inside was a new pair of winter boots! My rain boots that I had...literally have holes everywhere, and my feet were just suffering way bad haha. (there is a picture, and the kanji means gratitude)

Also, I have exactly 1 year left on my mission. whatthewhat. I swear I got here yesterday. But at the same time, I feel like I have been here for an eternity. Its funny that it works that way! But something I am really working on for the next year is to savor and to enjoy every moment I am a missionary. I want to look back on my mission and say, "WOW. that was by far the most complicated year & a half of my life I have ever had. But I know in my heart that I gave the Lord my very best." It will be a good year :)

Also, side note~earthquakes. We had a crazy earthquake this last week! it was a 4.7 (which isn't exactly the highest number...but it really did a number in our apartment). we were right in the center of it! All of our stuff just went flying haha.


With new years...comes new years goals. From the wise words of Elder Holland, "New Years have made 5, and you have already broken 4. (I give that last one another week)" <--literally me. and usually that happens on January 2nd.

But this year I am doing something a lot different. Yes, I still make a butt ton of goals daily and how I am going to improve my dendo (missionary work). But I have decided to look at the bigger picture. I am basing my goals this year off of scriptures. My number one goal:

1) Alma 5:14-- "Have you recieved his image in your countenances?"

Something I always want to strive for is to focus on what is most important. Jesus Christ. HE is the person who I want to become like. He is my goal. Granted, I am human...I fall short every single day...But I feel like I am just a tad bit closer than I was yesterday! Right? He is our ultimate goal. And because of the atonement, he has granted us the opportunity to become more! To become the best versions of ourselves. That only comes when you do what he always did...He lost himself in the service of others. He looked for and succored the needs of others before he thought about himself. Jesus Christ is such an amazing example of being selfless, instead of selfish.

What are some of your goals?


Many miracles happened this week!! We found another new investigator! Its so funny because I am beginning to think I am a gygene magnet. Because I am finding more gygene than nihonjin. haha!

Her name is Anya, and she is from Russia! We taught the restoration on the street and she said, "Here is my address, my phone #, and my email. I would love to learn more." Ha we walked away and I was like..WHATJUSTHAPPENED. The Lord is placing amazing people in my life! We found her on our way to one of our other appointments, and long story short...They gave me hot chocolate...and because Sister Fukuda doesn't like chocolate...they gave her black tea. and neither of us noticed. oops.


Hiruta Family- They grilled steak right in front of our faces on their living room floor! haha it was on New Years Eve! And they have a sweet traditional food for New Years...but the name slipped my mind haha. It was super tasty! They have a cute 2 year old daughter who loves to say "shut up" in Japanese. haha

Ochiai family- We had a huge family home evening with the most dendo fire families in our ward! We had some sweet Mexican food! (dearly missed) And we played games and LAUGHED A LOT. I had a moment yesterday...the whole time we were there....I realized...'OH my gosh...I understood everything that was being said that whole night...OHMYGOSH!' It was a miracle thats for sure. haha although I can understand...talking is a completely different story. ha. some days I have my moments...other times...welllll, it's like I'm throwing up all these words and phrases that make no sense. haha

Gyoza party- We had a really fun party for a girl in the ward! I learned how to make gyoza, and honestly it was the best food ever. holy cow. It was amazing! haha

Well, I think that is all from my week! I am so grateful for all of you and for the words of encouragement I have received since the beginning of my mission. I honestly have no words to describe how grateful I am. I hope that everyone has a great 2017! :)

Don't forget to read your scriptures and to pray everyday! It changes lives, I promise!

Love you!

Sister Phelps

Gyoza Party

New Boots and Gratitude

My Best Friend Ellie from Senzo

Gyoza Party

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Mailing address (packages) :

Sister Maddison Emilie Phelps

Japan, Tokyo Mission

4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 




4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo



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