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Week 20 - Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water = My Week

Yo fam in SLC, whats good? another week has flown by!! We had our temple Pday today and WOW. it was amazing!! Never take the temple for granted and go as often as you can!! I felt so much love from my Heavenly Father today, especially from being in His house. I got to see all my homies in my zone and that made me really happy too. :)

We get transfer calls on Monday!! WHAAT? I am finishing up my 2nd transfer! I have been in my area this whole time, so we will see if I get transferred or not.


Yo, you probably all heard! There was a huge earthquake here in Japan! it happened around 5 in the morning..and this is what happened:

I was sleeping...

and all of a sudden, the ground starts shaking! I hear things falling off shelves and I woke up and automatically, in my missionary mind thought, ----*Gasp* THE SECOND COMING!!!!'----

Well, obviously that didn't happen. but Sister Oaks was very amusing because she was having a nightmare about dinosaurs right before the earthquake...and she woke up thinking that there were dino's roaming the streets of Japan.


we had 2 Thanksgiving dinners this year. Which means 2 food comas. hahah Thanksgiving actually isn't a holiday here in Japan, but I guess that's the perks of being in an English Ward and a Japanese Ward!

The families that we were with just have my heart. I am so grateful for the families that I have been able to join and be apart of here in Japan. It's so weird not being home for the holidays. But I have come to a huge realization since I have been on my mission...(especially recently)


Being away from a foreign land of nihonjins...I have realized just how much my family means to me. I am so grateful that I can be with them for eternity.

I am grateful to have kind and loving parents who support me, and who love me for who I am.

I am grateful to have amazing brothers who I can be myself around and who understand my sense of humor.

I LOVE YOU mom, dad, Cam, Connor, Noah, Elise, Popo, Matthew, Alex, Roxy and baby (?)

How was everyones Thanksgiving? Someone please send me pictures of downtown SLC when the lights are up!! :)


I had a little bit of home come to Japan this last week!! We had a legit snow storm! It was the best thing ever. I was so happy!! It wasn't like a SLC snow storm...but it was pretty close!!

Which reminds me....2 people gave me coats :') One of them was my Eikaiwa homegirl, Kudo. She is about 90 years old and she just shows up to eikaiwa class with this huge bag! and pulls out this giant coat! haha It's big enough to fit 2 people hahah!! And the other person was from the Tokyo 2nd English Ward. She is tall, and knows the struggle with clothes here in Japan. Clothes are pretty much impossible to find for us tall people!

The people here in Japan....WOW...they have the biggest hearts ❤

-We were on our way back home from a Thanksgiving appointment and all of a sudden all the trains stopped because someone decided to play with matches and set someone on fire...sooo...we were stuck in the middle of nowhere. We got home around 10:15 ish...oops 😅

-Also, we went to a sweeeet kimono fashion show!!

We walked in and the second we did...all the eyes were on us. It was like they've never seen white chicks before ;)

-I have been cleaning my fb recently and HOLY COW EVERYONE IS GETTING ENGAGED hahah


This email is super broad and not as exciting...but I have to have some sweet stories to tell when I get home, right? ;)

I love you all SOOOO so much!! Thank you for all the prayers and support. I would love to hear from you guys!! :) I love being a missionary for my Heavenly Father.

愛しています! 神様わほんとです!


Sister Phelps

Sketchy Elevator Selfies

Famous Park By The Temple

Shim Shimai

Kimono Fashion Show

Someone's Garage

Japanese English Signs

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Mailing address (packages) :

Sister Maddison Emilie Phelps

Japan, Tokyo Mission

4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 




4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo



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