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Week 19 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey everyone!! I hope everyone is doing great!!! I am happy as ever here in Senzo!! we get our transfer calls soon....(I am almost done with my 2nd transfer! WHAT) Which also means, TEMPLE PDAY is next week!!! yosh!!! I am so excited!! so with that said, my next Pday will be on Tuesday! instead of Monday :)


Well, all I have to say about exchanges...IT WAS SO FUN!! I was with Sister Griffin, and she is so ped at Japanese its insane. it definitely put mine to shame haha But on the flip side...we were stalked again!


We were walking back to the apartment for the's pitch black outside....I was talking to Sister Griffin...everything was all fine and dandy...and then all of a sudden this random guy decides to walk about 1 foot behind me. I sensed that someone was like breathing down my neck ahah and I turn around and almost pooped myself. We decided to walk into a 7-11 so we could actually see what he looked like...and if he had explosives or something! (ok...yeah the explosives...a little extreme...but still) He followed in and when he wasn't looking...we ran out and ran about a block away! Long story short....10 mins later HE POPS OUT OF NOWHERE! We walk faster and don't even make eye contact! He stops and has this crazy tantrum in the road and was like, "HEY!!! I like you OKAY?!?" It was weird haha.


Best thing of my life. My genki level definitely skyrockets when I see my zone and the missionaries I was in the MTC with. I was chosen by my Mission President to give a 5 minute talk about the first chapter of PMG. "My purpose". It was such a cool experience because the words just flowed and I felt as if the spirit was just talking through me. WOW! That is the best feeling ever :) The missionary purpose is to INVITE people to come unto christ by HELPING them receive the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.



-and to Love

That is the purpose as a missionary. And I have finally realized this--->

WHO CARES IF I CANT SPEAK JAPANESE WELL. All God wants me to do is to invite these people to learn about him, help them ( and when I need to...use words) and to Love them.

That is definitely my favorite part of being a missionary. A lot of these people don't know who God is....they don't know how much He loves them. I think that's why I am here. He wants me to love them for him, until they do KNOW Him and can recognize that love for themselves. And I do love them so much.

I was at church yesterday and I was smiling and saying hi to my favorite people in the universe! And this guy comes up to me and he said..."every time I see have the biggest smile on your face! I honestly think its a sin to smile that much!" *walks away*

haha I was like.....uhhhokaybyeeee haha

People at Eikaiwa were trying to guess my first name aahah and these were their guesses before I gave in and told them

1. Marafu

2. Mud

3. Madurus


3 Nephi 15:9

i was reading this with Sister Oaks and all this below is just in our own words:

God says, *very lovingly*

'look unto me and endure to the end....'

"But don't look to the end. I know you're close, but don't focus on that. TRUST ME. you have a long way to go...but don't worry! When I say 'Endure to the End' I don't want you to focus on the end. I want you to look at me. only at me. You don't see the end. If you are looking to what you think is the "end" then you're doing it all wrong. you're enduring to the worst case scenario. My end for you is intrinsically different than the end you've pictured for yourself. Do not endure to your end. Endure to mine. Just watch me. And I will lead you to the end/ glorious beginning that I have planned for you.You can endure to your end if you want...your end is probably very possible. Very logical. You can choose to look at that and endure to that...OR you can endure with me. You can walk on water. you can part the Red Sea. You can experience miracles. You can have an end that I have planned for you. Look to Me. Let Me guide you. You can have an end beyond all mortal comprehension. Trust ME."

Its like Peter....when he walked on water. The second Peter looks away and gets distracted from the Savior...He sees mighty waves and lightning...and thinks to himself..."oh no...this is the end...I'm going to die." thats when he starts to sink! Then Christ says, "NO Peter. stop. look at me. only at me. This is not the end. I know the end, Peter. Choose ME Peter. I have something better in store for you. Don't choose THIS end. I AM THE ULTIMATE END, PETER. That wave....that storm is not the end. This life is not the end. I AM YOUR END. Look at me peter. ENDURE TO ME."

Pondering this scripture really changed the way I viewed "Endure to the End". The end is not a finish line. It is not a destination and then when we get to it...We are done and we all go home. JESUS CHRIST IS OUR END. He is HOW we receive eternal life. He provided the way for us to be glorious beings just like the father. he provided the way for us to experience eternal joy, happiness and peace!

His way will always always always be better than our end. The savior LOVES YOU. He wants YOU. Look to him. When he says, "Come unto me", HOP ON THAT INVITE. He is the one who can heal us. That is the most loving and amazing gift we all can have.

I am so grateful for that gift.

....and the best part of that its a FREE gift! Japanese people love the word 'FREE'. ahhaha but I don't think they understand this one quite yet, I'm trying...but yeah ;)

happy Thanksgiving! I'm grateful for all of you!! I love my family so much. you all have a place in my heart ❤


あいしています!! また!

Sister Phelps

p.s. more pictures will come next week!

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Mailing address (packages) :

Sister Maddison Emilie Phelps

Japan, Tokyo Mission

4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 




4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo



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