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Week 6 - Top of the Food Chain

こんいちわたまだち!! How is everyone? I hope erything is all good in the hood!! This week went by so fast, and i was so busy that it is all such a blurr ahah but here it goes :)


here in the MTC, Sunday is the BEST DAY EVER!!! Because we are constantly learning more about the gospel, and we don't have to worry about language study. I am now a Disenpei!!! (which means we are the oldest set of missionaries in the Japanese zones) SO CRAZY! because i leave for japan in 2 1/2 weeks!! But anyways, Gorner and I were asked on Sunday to be the new Sister Training Leaders over our whole zone!! We get that cute paperweight cell phone, in case our brach president needs us, or if there is an emergency in our zone. We also are in charge of the new missionary orientation. So we give them a tour of the MTC (ive given a tour or 2 before my mission ;) Also, we picked up a NIhonjin sister last night!! I ALMOST CRIED BECAUSE I WAS SO HAPPY TO MEET HER. I will probably die of love when i get to japan. Her name is Shim Shimai, and we are already BFFS. she is fluent in Korean, Japanese, and she knows a lot of english already. the lord has definitely blessed her with the gift of tongues. ahha. 2 more Nihongin sisters are suppose to show up today and i literally just want them to be here already!! I will probably cry. my love for asians is so real.


So Gorner Shimai got the MTC plague. And when she did, it hit her like a bus. She got sick on saturday and we were in the residence all morning til lunch. which was so great for me because i had an awesome 'come to jesus' moment, and i also burried my face in the Book of Mormon.

Wunderli and kema shimai came and brought us lunch because i couldnt leave gorner shimai. She finally woke up and we were eating and talking in the 'living room' of our lobby, right? Gorner shimai started eating her carrots and all of a sudden she sneezed SO hard and chewed carrots went flying all over the ground!!! We both were laughing so hard!!


so trc is honestly the bomb. we have it once a week, only on pdays. and that is when we teach church members. (all in japanese of course) they are usually BYU students who are returned missionaries from Japan. which is so awesome!! our first lesson was with this really cute blonde hair, blue eyed girl. her name is Cooper shimai. and the lesson we had with her was honestly so incredible. the spirit told us to change our lesson plan and we did, and we all ended up being so touched by the spirit. especially sister cooper. she started crying really hard, and she told us how badly she needed to meet us and to hear our testimonies of the savior. which made me cry!! I know that the spirit is the master teacher. the spirit has the power to completely change people. i have seen it in so many people since being in the mtc.

tonight, we are going to be teaching actual Nihonjin people IN japan!! (over skype) so i probably will look like a deer in headlights ahah but all is well because it will be such a great learning experience :)


OH man. I live for devotionals. I am super sad that my devotional time is now limited!! But anyway, last night we had an area of the 70 speak to us, Elder Uceda.

And i feel like that his whole talk was for me. i have been praying for the help and guidence to be a better missionary, and to be able to have that change of heart. i know that i wont be a good missionary if i dont give 100% of my heart, and attention to the work. so i have been trying really hard to "forget myself, and go to work"

And last night...i was basically hit by a spiritual bus. I felt as if my heart was growing 10x its size. I dont know how to describe how i felt, but i know that i felt that change. and i couldnt have felt that if i wasnt able to be in tuned with the spirit.

i was so touched my his genuine and humble words, and when he started talking about the book of mormon...i lost it. I started bawling like a baby. I know that the Book of Mormon is SO true. It brings complete Joy, complete peace, and a sound understanding to the soul. It testifies of our Savior Jesus Christ. if you want that closer relationship with him, i invite you to read and ponder the words on those pages. it has changed my life :)


so last night, i mentioned that we picked up a new Japanese sister, Shim Shimai. Gorner Shimai and i were talking to her...and getting to know her right?? She asked us how old we were, and Gorner Shimai says,

" I am きゅじゅ!" HAAHAHA she meant to say that she was 19, but instead she said that she was 90 ahhahahha it was literally the funniest thing ever. i started crying and then basically rolled on the ground and died. and so did Shim Shimai ahahha!! it was one of those moments where you just had to be there!:) anyway, now we have that inside joke that we are 90 years old haha!


OK, so because of this experience I had this last week...i already know that i am the most awkward human-being alive. and i will be even more awkward when i get home from my mission.

So Gorner shimai and i are walking to class, and i see an Elder who i went to highschool with. (not naming names) but i wasnt necessarily close with him. (And i dont find him attractive at all...ever) But its a big deal to see someone you know in the mtc, because there are like a million missionaries here. haha

Anyway, we see eachother and we both were like, "YO what is up?!?" He said he has only been at the mtc for like 2 days...and all this stuff. we get done talking, and i go to shake his hand..RIGHT?......RIGHT???

He takes my hand and pulls me in...and his gives me A BRO HUG!!!!!! My eyes went all wide, my insides were like spilling out of my face...and i stopped breathing for who knows how long...

i shoved him away the nicest way possible, and everytime I see him...i avoid him like the plague hahahaah MEGA AWK!!!


this opportunity has changed my life, and i have never been happier!! whoever is reading this email...and youre questioning if you should go on a mission...GO :) it is the best thing in the world!!


Sav is in the MTC!!

Sister Costa!!! (from Brazil, i told you about her story last week)

Kurose Shimai and her companion. They left for Japan on Monday.

District 5e


-phelps shimai

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Mailing address (packages) :

Sister Maddison Emilie Phelps

Japan, Tokyo Mission

4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 




4-25-12 Nishi-ochiai,

Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo



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